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pediatric nursing中文是什么意思

用"pediatric nursing"造句"pediatric nursing"怎么读"pediatric nursing" in a sentence


  • 儿科护理


  • One of her ancestors , john witherspoon , signed the declaration of independence . her mother has a ph . d . in pediatric nursing and her dad is a surgeon . named one of people magazine s 25 most intriguing people of 2001
    事业蒸蒸日上的瑞茜在情感上也获得丰收99年初她宣布订婚, “甜蜜的另一半”正是她在残酷动机中的搭档瑞安-菲利普。
  • In fact , in her book & quot; career burnout : causes and cures , & quot; ben - gurion university professor ayala pines found that serial entrepreneurs , known for working very long hours , were the workers least prone to burnout . ( those most prone are pediatric nurses in burn units , she discovered
用"pediatric nursing"造句  


Pediatric nursing or child health nursing is the specialty nursing care of babies, children and adolescents. A nurse who specializes in this area is usually referred to as a pediatric nurse.
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